This is the human-readable version of our terms of service, presented solely as a service to you. Nothing here should be deemed as supplanting or replacing our complete terms of service. Should any differences arise, the full terms of service should be viewed as controlling.
We’ve built an active, vibrant online community here at We need your help to make this as interesting, helpful and thoughtful a community as possible. We have one primary rule:
Treat your fellow users as you want them to treat you.
More specifically though, we think your presence here and continued posting to constitutes your agreement:
• To refrain from using the site for your own commercial gain without the express, written permission of
• To engage other users in a respectful discussion. Disagreements of opinion are to be expected, but disagreements should be handled respectfully.
• To stay on topic. Discussions shouldn’t turn into tangents that have nothing to do with the topic at hand.
• To refrain from violating any copyright, trademarks, patents or other intellectual property restrictions.
• To accept full responsibility for anything that you post. That means, among other things, if it’s factually incorrect, you’ll do your best to fix it.
• To refrain from taking on the persona of anyone other than yourself.
• To respect others’ privacy. If they haven’t said something publicly, you shouldn’t either.
If you believe any user contribution violates these standards, you should bring it to the attention of site moderators. You can do this either by flagging the item directly, where available, or by contacting us directly. reserves the right to terminate the account of any user who violates these principles, without notice. We further reserve the right to remove any comments or user contributions that, solely in our judgment, violate these principles. Lastly, we reserve the right to suspend or eliminate discussion and user contribution, without notice, at any point in time.