Seeking Kingdom Of Heaven Doesn’t  Deprive Christians The Opportunity  Of Enjoying  Good Things Of  Life-Rev. Adegboyega

THE erroneous assumption by many Christians that they should not enjoy the good thigs of life because of their race to inherit the kingdom of Heaven is a thinking that should be jettisoned with immediate effect.

This submission was made by Reverend Dapo Adegboyega of The Nation Family, a Pentecostal movement based in the United Kingdom. Reverend Dapo was speaking at Two Days of Glory, a programme organized by City of Great Destiny Church, Lagos.

He pointed out that The Bible talks of streets of gold which means heavenly ambassadors do not have to be mentioned in the same sentence as poverty because a prosperous Christian life preaches Christ than any other thing.

“How would a poor Christian bring a prosperous unbeliever to Christ? No one wants to associate with impoverishment. You cannot approach someone who has not eaten or picked his or her bills to accept Christ when you are not better off. Poverty does not mean you are closer to God than the wealthy believer that uses his resources for Christ.”

Quoting from Genesis 11:31, Reverend Dapo explained that Terah and his family left Ur for a better place which he explained is still valid for all who listen to God’s voice. He made it clear that it was that movement that set the tone for Abram who later became Abraham to start his walk with God.

He went further to explain that although Terah set out for Canaan but he could not get there, seizing that opportunity to charge the attendees at the programme to make all efforts to ensure that everything that stopped the generation before them has no hold over them.

“Break roofs and limitations and ensure your bless your world with the full complement of what has been deposited in you.”

Reverend Dapo went further to charge Christians to be more charitable and quit being about only their individual comforts alone. He cited various examples of people who have sacrificed their comfort to see that people around them who are even strangers are able to lead good lives.

“Despite the fact that my dad who is a great man of God and was a top man in one of the biggest accounting firms in Nigeria had his own house, we as children did not have access to excessive comfort because he built the house and accommodated many people even at our expense. The result of that sacrifice was God making a better structure available to him.”

He also gave other examples like Asiwaju Bola Tinubu who he says houses many people that society would ordinarily push away.

“When you are saying you cannot accommodate someone because he or she is a riff-raff or whatever you call them, people like late Lamidi Adedibu housed many of them. Someone like Sunday Igboho is presently giving them a place to stay. Why do you think people like that always have folks at their beck and call? It is simply because they have opened their doors to them.”

He explained that this was one of the reasons SPAC Nation has gained ground among the teeming youths of the United Kingdom because they have opened their doors and houses to these youths who would otherwise have been without any form of spiritual and physical guidance.

“At different times, myself and Pastor Tobi, the Global Lead Pastor have between 20 to 30 people staying with us. That alone is something that draws the youths to us and helps us to populate the kingdom of God by building these people to take over nations for The Lord.”

He charged the congregation to see things differently so as to enjoy new glory as what an individual sees is the determinant of what he or she becomes. He advised them to free their minds from where it has been caged as a result of the things it has seen.

“Imagination carries weight in the realm of the spirit. That is why you should not allow negative imaginations. To experience new glory, you must realign your imagination. Whenever you are in communion with God, relegate the negative and project the positive, bring your spirit in alignment with your body. That is how you can access the new glory that is waiting for you.”

The host minister, Prophet Oluwadara Keshinro appreciated Reverend Dapo Adegboyega for taking time to pay an apostolic visit to the City of Great Destiny Church.

“He had no plan to be here but The Holy Spirit has a way of arranging these things and we thank God for the grace on Reverend Dapo and for him allowing himself to be a tool of blessing to us.”

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