A Colombian fashion designer is now selling his bulletproof clothes in the U.S., but he’s got an interesting marketing strategy.
Miguel Caballero’s clothing line, sold under the name MC Armor in the U.S., is both stylish and effective. The sports coats, safari jackets and t-shirts — currently available in gun shops in Florida, Texas and California — are designed to stop a bullet, the Miami Herald reports.
To prove they work, Caballero puts his clothes to the test by shooting people wearing his designs. He’s shot over 230 volunteers, including magician David Blaine, journalists, his lawyer, many of his employees, potential clients and even his own wife, according to the Herald. Caballero hopes his stunt will someday get him into the Guinness Book of World Records.
The company’s flagship product is a lightweight and flexible bulletproof tank top that comes in several different levels of protection and starts at $495, the Herald reports.
Caballero’s wife, who works in the company’s U.S. market, said buyers have been receptive to the product.
“We’ve been selling at gun stores, to Uber drivers, to doctors, lawyers, professors,” she told the Herald. “People have been very interested in the product.”
At Johnson Firearms in Miami, manager Josh Anderson said the versatile tank tops have been popular.
“The beautiful thing is that it’s appealing to higher-end clientele. It’s something that will give them protection but not look like they’re wearing a vest,” he said.