Good Lord! Something has happened to Mathematical Segun Odegbami.
When was the last time you saw Mathematical Segun Odegbami?
Yes, Big Seg
The same man who Commander Ebenezer Obey sang for.
That wonderful football legend who remains an issue in both football and current affairs
When last did you see him?
Forget that you saw him on TV some days ago.
Even if you saw him, what is the latest news about him?
Tell me now
You can see the above picture
So I am telling you authoritatively
That something has happened to him
Is it a goal?
Or is it not a goal?
Honestly, things are happening in Nigeria
Mouth gaping matters and issues
Happening silently and quietly to many prominent Nigerians
Some of them keeping it under the table
Covering it up so that many people do not know
For they don’t want public applause, ridicule or scathing remarks
Which may demoralise them or wound their ego
But because of our onerous duty to serve humanity
And our mission is to uncover news that is being suppressed from the knowledge of the public
Particularly those that concern distinguished Nigerians
We shall always be out to uncover it all
It has happened again
That the same Segun Odegbami
One of the best footballers ever produced in the world
The man whose accomplishments in the field of sport are legendary is one situation
Something very strange has happened to him
You know that this man is not just a mere footballer.
He is not just one of the stars of yesterday
He is an intellectual.
He is a journalist
He is a broadcaster
He is an informed analyst of both sport matters and current affairs
He is a critic
He is a superb commentator
A brilliant writer
A man who has maintained his presence in the media consciousness of the nation
He is has maintained an uncountable appearance on both TV and Radio programme
He is the best sports commentator in Africa
And see what has happened to this glorious son of Nigeria
Read what has just befallen him
Read the goal he has just scored
Mathematical Segun Odegbami has just been
A Radio Licence
To float an FM Station
It is a goal!!!
Or are you not happy
That good thing has just happened to him?
For me I congratulate him
I don’t know about you
… By
Wale Ojo – Lanre
Ibipeju Oniru Chambers
Usi Ekiti