By Alaba Abdulrazak
Life is about meeting people. We meet so many people every day in our lives but there are some people who have a unique influence on our lives. True men of God are such people who have always shown us the right path and also rescue us out of crisis situations.
Pastors are religious leaders who are there to guide people in the path shown by the Almighty Lord. For us to appreciate what the Lord is doing through real men of God is to celebrate them on their birthdays.
That is why today we are celebrating Prophet Nasheem Lawal. He is a true definition of a man of God. Once he sets forth for a goal, he scores with finesse.
As a man of God who doesn’t like undue praise and publicity, Prophet Lawal’s good reputation as a diligent servant of God is the reason for writing this unsolicited article to honour him on his birthday. The Bible in I Timothy 5:17 says: “Let the elders who rule well be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in preaching and teaching.”
Truly, Prophet Lawal is one of the few men of God who follow God in every way. He obeys His commands with joy and do not live for the things of this life but for the things of eternity. Today, he is one the few men of God in the country making positive impact in the lives of individuals, churches and even the society at large.
The purpose of writing this article is to further encourage and inspire Prophet Oluwasesan Nasheem Lawal of Land of Solution Evangelical International Ministry to continue to do more as he remains faithful to God and his calling.
Even Jesus knew his Apostles needed encouragement. Before He died, He told Peter, I have prayed for you, that when you turn, you confirm the faith of the brothers.
Prophet Lawal is an extraordinary servant of God and an even more exemplary as a worshipper. He consistently encourages people to become worshippers of God more than anything. There are several things that make him a good shepherd. First of all, it is his humble spirit. He moves in such a quiet way but his presence is always known. He always speaks with humility and kindness. He loves his church and it shows in everything he does.
What stands him out is his generosity. He talks the talk and he walks the walk. His life is a reflection of his words. He is always there when you call on him. He is truly an astounding man of God and he possesses great leadership qualities. He is truly an inspiration to many. He is a very hardworking individual and many people admire him greatly for that. He is a pastor that encourages and prays for people; he always has a listening ear.
He is a man of God whom one can trust and believe in. Prophet Lawal is a man who does not compromise the word and shows no difference in people. He is a positive driving force in the church and society at large.

Prophet Lawal is also a man of prayer. He is always willing to pray for people if they have problems or concerns. He is even willing to pray for people outside the congregation and people he doesn’t even know! No wonder countless number of people have been freed from satanic bondages. His Church, Land of Solution Evangelical International Ministry is now a sanctuary for those who seek the face of the Lord in solving their spiritual problems.
Prophet Lawal, we thank God for giving you knowledge and wisdom of understanding. Your sermons are so touching and have inspired many in the church and outside the church to always strive hard to do the will of God no matter how little.
Our prayer is for you to continue to propagate the faith of Lord for many more years to come. Happy birthday, Prophet Lawal.