Peace has always been among humanity’s highest values. For some, the only way to achieve peace is going to war. Countries are trying to control the world through wars nowadays. Unfortunately, our numerous attempts to achieve peace through war have failed us on several occasions. It has always been throwing wood in the fire instead of water. For centuries we have been trying to get peace to no avail. There are many examples that you could look at to understand why war has failed to provide us with desired peace. If you take a look at human history you will see that we have fought many wars and many battles in the name of peace, yet we have not achieved peace in the world.
Today, the absence of peace has brought about many problems and threats. The world that has become perilous and prone to deadly attacks occasioned by the activities of ISIS, Al Qaida, Boko Haram, Al Shabab and other terror groups hiding under guise of Islam. Islam as a religion is today being bastardized, while moderate Muslims are becoming endangered species for the only crime of being moderate in the practice of their religion.
Moderate Muslims who consider peace, tolerance and respect for differences in religions have become the greatest enemies of non-Muslims and are despised more by the extremists. To non-Muslims, every moderate Muslim is a potential terrorist who must be treated with disdain. On the other hand, moderate Muslims have become enemies to these extremists because they abhor violence and believe in the word of Allah and the Holy Prophet Muhammad that there should be no compulsion in religion-Quran Suratul Baqarah Chapter 2, Verse 256.
Despite having knowledge of what the Holy Quran says about compulsion and unjust killings; terror groups would not hesitate to use terror and violence. They are always exploiting Islamic symbols to achieve their political goals. This is the battle for the souls of over 1.6 billion Muslims around the world.
This is really a fight between Muslims who want to enforce their regimental brand of Islam by any means. For the lack of better terms, and even though many Muslims would be loathe to admit it, this is a war pitting extremists against moderates. Each party claims to have truth and Allah on its side.
But Boko Haram, ISIS and other like-minded extremist groups would say exactly the same thing about those Muslims. That they are not real Muslims. And what is worse is that, to the radical groups, these Muslims are infidels and therefore equally dispensable, even more so than non-Muslims. That is why today in Nigeria, Boko Haram have killed more Muslims who to them are infidels.
Muslims who are moderate have been victims of Boko Haram and ISIS attacks and this probably will continue to be so, given the ongoing war within Islam.
It is therefore pointless to argue about who are the real Muslims or who represent the real Islam because both the extremists and the moderates are unlikely to budge from their convictions. Such an argument only serves to help Muslim apologists to free themselves from the culpability they often feel coming from non-Muslims, who tend to paint all Muslims with one brush after each terrorist attack.
It is more pertinent that the moderate Muslims focus on winning the war, both the physical war and the war to win the hearts, minds and souls of Muslims.
The problem is, of course, that peace derives its meaning and qualities within a theory or framework. Christian, Hindu, Buddhist or Muslims will see peace differently, as will pacifist or internationalist. Socialist, fascist, and libertarian have different perspectives, as do power or idealistic theorists of international relations. In this diversity of meanings, peace is no different from such concepts as justice, freedom, equality, power, conflict, class, and, indeed, any other concept.
However, when you engage in violence, don’t expect peace. By giving out violence, you will only receive more violence as a reaction from the opposite side. This rage-reaction cycle will continue. You cannot fight for peace to experience peace. On 25th December 1979, Afghanistan was invaded . After the war ended it made a huge mess and created. Again war on terror has started and is still going. What is the guarantee of the future that this war with ISIS or Boko Haram will bring peace? During World War 2, the Middle East saw more peace than places in Europe, America, Pacific, and Asia, but after 50 years it appears that conditions are the opposite.
Peace comes from being able to contribute the best that we have, and all that we are, toward creating a world that supports everyone. But it is also securing the space for others to contribute the best that they have and all that they are.
Today, countries should think more about contributing a huge amount of resources towards humanity, alleviating poverty, and development, not towards tanks, guns, and modern weapons. There are many examples in history books in need of revision and now nations should take steps towards humanity, not conflicts.